I teach practical design & stress analysis engineering courses derived from industrial experience and academic research. These courses are the result of 50 years worldwide engineering experience. There are many companies teaching composite manufacture and other manufacturing techniques, but I do not know anyone or other companies that provides the detailed mathematical methods to design-stress analysis that I teach. If you are an engineer, student or laminator wanting to know where to start in designing a structural composite-then this is where you should come. If you want to be able to do the design & stress analysis for lightweight aluminium cars fastened by self-piercing rivets then contact me. If you want to be able to do a stress certification of an aircraft interior such as a galley then I am the answer to teach you. If you are an engineer the courses advertised on these pages should be your answer to progress in your career.

Design & Analysis of Structural Composites.
1. Intro. Comprehensive design & analysis of structural composites.
Price: £…
Duration. 5Days
2. Internship.
Intro-comprehensive design & analysis of structural composites- 3 months (part-time).
Price: £…
Duration. 3 Months part-time.
3. Online.
Initial design of Structural Composites.
Price: £…
Duration. In your own time.

Aircraft Composite Interiors design & analysis for structural Certification using Finite Element Analysis and hand calculations.
Structural Certification is one of the key areas of aerospace engineering, and getting knowledge and experience in the sector can be difficult.
However, with our courses below, you can learn the major techniques and methodology used by the aircraft interiors industry, knowledge that usually only comes from experience.
You will learn the terminology, the essentials by doing practical calculations, the Finite Element Model and then writing the certification reports.
These keywords on your CV will help you to stand out above the rest and the portfolio you create, you can show to the employer.
Price: £…
4 weeks attended.
3 Months-Part time.

Automotive: The design & analysis of Self Piercing Rivet joints.
Government legislation to lower emissions by the automotive industry means that cars have to be lighter.
Many companies including Jaguar, BMW and Audi now use aluminium to form the structure of their cars. Self-Piercing Rivets (SPR) are used to robotically fasten these aluminium panels together.
You will learn how these specialised SPR’s work, which dimensions control the joint strength and the hand calculations necessary to structurally design joints formed by SPR.
This course includes the unique SPR design software JSAMs (Joint Strength Analysis Modules).
Attended or Online
Duration: 5 days
Price: …
Design & Analysis of Structural Composites
Learn the technique from these composite courses that many engineers including post-grad, material scientist and stress engineers have asked the question,
“Where do I start in the process of structurally designing with Composite Materials”.
I’m not surprised about that question as the engineer or manager will have to consider the multitude of parameters that composite materials can offer a project, such as;
The effect of laminate architecture, i.e. ply stacking sequence, ply orientation and choice of fibre and matrix materials on, strength, stiffness, fatigue life, impact resistance, minimum weight re quirements, mechanical or bonded strength, ease of manufacture, drapeability and structural reliability.
And then what about ease of procurement, recyclability and minimum cost.
With all these variables to consider the engineer has to provide the management with an answer that indicates viability, budget cost and weight of product. The manager will need this information preferably quickly to confirm with his client that the project is feasible.
Knowledge of composites by itself is not much help in this context. An approach is required that is a consistent strategy enabling the engineer to quickly and effectively design a laminate based on preferred selected parameters of stiffness, strength, minimum weight and cost.
Once you receive the fundamental basic knowledge obtained in this course you will then learn the strategy that I have used successfully over the many decades designing for Structural composites.
Materials like Glassfibre, Carbonfibre, Kevlar, Bauxite, Silicon Carbide and others are used as a composite. When designed with a matrix material such as epoxy, they enable tailored designs of structures for strength, stiffness, lightweight and cost. Composite materials are now used in almost every industry.
You will learn about composite manufacturing process as this is essential to help you design using composite materials. The five day and internship courses also cover, particulates, short fibre and continuous fibre composites, hybrid sustainable biocomposites and natural fibres.
The use of carbonfibre and other composite materials is rapidly expanding and pervades all markets. Carbonfibre had an estimated annual growth of 12% from 2012–2018. The strongest demand for carbonfibre composites comes from aircraft and aerospace, wind energy and the automotive industry.
Opportunities in the world of composites are huge.
Aircraft Composite Interiors
Structural Certification is one of the key areas of aerospace engineering, and getting knowledge and experience in the sector can be difficult.
However, with our online course below, you can learn the major techniques and methodology used by the aircraft interiors industry, knowledge that usually only comes from experience.
You will learn the terminology, the essentials by doing practical calculations and then writing the certification reports.
These keywords on your CV will help you to stand out above the rest and the portfolio you create, you can show to the employer.
Automotive. Design & Analysis of Self-Piercing Rivet Joints
Government legislation to lower emissions by the automotive industry means that cars have to be lighter.
Many companies including Jaguar, BMW and Audi now use aluminium to form the structure of their cars.
Self-Piercing Rivets (SPR) are used to robotically fasten these aluminium panels together.
You will learn how these specialised SPR’s work, which dimensions control the joint strength and the hand calculations necessary to structurally design joints formed by SPR.